our blog

Wildflower of the Month: March, 2022
Fawn Lily Fawn lilies (Erythronium spp.) are among our most beautiful spring wildflowers. There is a variety of species, mostly found in North America with several in Oregon. The cream-colored Oregon fawn lily (E. oregonum, shown here) is the most common species in...

What’s Bloomin’: March, 2022
Hellebores Commonly called hellebores, the genus Helleborus consists of over 20 evergreen, perennial, flowering plants in the family Ranunculaceae. They originated in Europe and Asia, with a concentration of species found in the Balkan region. Hellebores are widely...

Wildflower of the Month: February, 2022
Osoberry (Oemleria cerasiformis) Osoberry is one of the very first native plants to bloom in the new year, producing tassels of small, greenish white flowers as early as late January. As such, it is an important early season nectar source for hummingbirds,...

Winter Update, 2022
A snow storm at the end of December briefly transformed the park into a monochromatic wonderland. Fortunately, there was very little damage to trees and other plants from the storm. The Birthday Match fundraising challenge to celebrate the Friend's twentieth year was...

Volunteer Update: Late Fall, 2021
This fall has been busy time for volunteers in the park. Under the guidance of Christina Bentrup, who always put together a variety of tasks suiting differing tastes and abilities, notable progress has been made in both gardens. In the Rhododendron Garden, beyond the...

Wildflower of the Month: Late Fall, 2021
Pacific Madrone (Arbutus Menziesii) The fall season is moving on, with colorful leaves falling and trees taking on a barren look. Before we forget all that color, let’s consider the Pacific Madrone. These trees are remarkable for their beautiful,...

Volunteer Update: Early Fall, 2021
In the Rhododendron Garden, volunteers have been busy around the rock creek area and upper Summit Path. Many thousands of small weeds were pulled, lots of blackberry dug, and one bed was mulched. Combined with the fine gravel work done to repair the trails, this...

Wildflower of the Month: Early Fall, 2021
Coyote Brush (Baccharis pilularis) Coyote Brush is a deer-resistant, drought-tolerant, medium-sized shrub that blooms at a useful time of year, providing a nectar source for skipper butterflies and other native insects in the fall. Although it is more common at the...

What’s Bloomin’: Early Fall, 2021
Korean Chrysanthemum Dendranthema sawadskii Korean Chrysanthemums are the latest blooming of all chrysanthemums, beginning their show in early autumn and lasting until a killing frost. They come in a wide variety of colors, from deep reds and magentas to pale yellows,...

Wildflower of the Month: September, 2021
Douglas Aster (Symphyotrichum subspicatum) A long and late blooming season - August through September - makes the Douglas Aster a valuable plant for skipper butterflies and many other pollinators. The seeds are taken by small birds. Douglas Aster is easy to grow in...