by friends | Dec 17, 2023 | Blooming
Mahonia “Charity” Oregon grape is Mahonia acquifolia, which blooms in the spring and is native to Oregon. On the other hand, Mahonia charity is a winter-flowering plant, starting its show in late fall and lasting through February. Mahonia charity is a...
by friends | Nov 10, 2023 | Wildflowers
Gaillardia Blanket flower (Gaillardia aristata) is an exceptionally long-blooming perennial. Gaillardia can be almost any shade of yellow, orange, red, purplish, brown, or white; they are often bicolored. The example above was spotted in the Native Plant Garden of...
by friends | Oct 4, 2023 | Blooming
Colchicum The crocus is seen as a harbinger of spring, so why do these flowers appear in the fall? In fact, they are not a type of crocus, but are colchicums. Colchicum is a genus of perennial flowering plants that are varied and widespread, with about 160 species...
by friends | Jun 13, 2023 | Wildflowers
Checkermallow (Sidalcea species) While there are varieties that make their homes along the coast and on each side of the Cascades, several species of checkermallow occur in the Willamette Valley. All have similar spires of whitish pink to deep pink flowers that appear...
by friends | May 21, 2023 | Wildflowers
Large-leafed avens (Geum macrophyllum) Large-leafed avens is a common native geum of meadows and forest edges, blooming through late spring and early summer. This plant has a vast range, growing from Alaska south to Baja California and east across Canada to the...