It’s been a busy winter for volunteers at Hendricks Park. Many a cold Tuesday morning has found a hardy group eager to get to work in the Rhododendron Garden. Several weeks went into enlarging a bed on the main lawn to make way for a selection of new rhododendrons hybridized by Harold Greer, to be planted in his honor this coming month. This has involved removing grass and old ferns, loosening and aerating existing soils, and bringing in rich soil to support the new plantings. Other efforts have focused on weeding and clearing the entrance beds along Summit, around the Xeric meadow, and along the walkway around the main lawn.
In the Native Plant Garden, Thursday afternoon crews have weeded and cleared blackberry, with some planting done to continue development of the garden. Free the Forest groups have arrived on Saturdays to wrestle with the seemingly neverending job of removing a variety of invasive species, giving the natives a chance to thrive in the undergrowth.
Spring is coming and the work is heating up as weeds sprout. Mothers Day is just a few months away, as well. It’s a great time to work in the park, as many things begin to bloom, and you’ll get to see it all. Come join the fun!
Expanding the rhododendron bed and working near the Xeric meadow.