This fall has been busy time for volunteers in the park. Under the guidance of Christina Bentrup, who always put together a variety of tasks suiting differing tastes and abilities, notable progress has been made in both gardens. In the Rhododendron Garden, beyond the ever-present blackberry removal and weeding, several folks helped Emily Aune take Rhododendron cuttings and prepare them for propagation; more than one volunteer headed home to try the same technique there. The wet soils have been great for planting, with new rhododendrons and irises installed near McCready Arbor.
In the Native Plant Garden, volunteers weeded the beds around the shelter parking area and completed a small restoration planting in a troublesome spot, putting in the most hardy of native plants – Oregon grape and fringecup. We have our fingers crossed that they’ll make it next year.
In the Forest, there have been a couple of Saturday work parties, addressing forest restoration, blackberry removal, and native habitat planting. There are two coming up in December and one more in January. Check the calendar on the website to sign-up.
It is time to offer our thanks for the efforts of our volunteers this year, from the regulars to the occasionals; they have all made a difference in the park.