Volunteer at the Park
Rhododendron Garden Volunteers – Want to meet other gardeners and learn about plants in the Rhododendron Garden? Join the lively “Tuesday Morning Regulars” as they work each Tuesday in the Rhododendron Garden. The last Tuesday work party of the year will be 10 December from 9am to noon. There will be no regular Tuesday work party in January; they will resume 11 February.
Forest Work Parties – Want to be part of the Forest crews, who are slowly but surely restoring the forest in Hendricks Park? Crews remove ivy, do invasive weed removal, trail work, and learn about forest ecology. If you or your group that would like to volunteer for a forest work party, contact Joe Waksmundski: 541 799 5105 or Joseph.X.Waksmundski@ci.eugene-or.gov.
Native Plant Garden Volunteers – Join fellow native plant enthusiasts Thursday afternoons starting at 1:00 pm for gardening and knowledge-sharing. The last Thursday work party of the year will be 12 December, resuming 9 January. Learn about Willamette Valley native plants while caring for the park. Volunteers meet at the Wilkins shelter.

Other Volunteer Opportunities: – If you are interested in learning how a non-profit works, want to become a committee member or Board member, create a forest work party, or get involved with fund-raising or other opportunities, please contact us at (541) 607-4066 or by e-mail at info@friendsofhendrickspark.org.
Forest Work Parties Calendar
Fall 2024-Spring 2025
Free the Forest
Forest restoration. For opportunities talk with Joe Waksmundski at the contacts shown above.