About Us
Who We Are
Friends of Hendricks Park is a membership-based 501(c)(3) organization, committed to stewardship and restoration in Hendricks Park.
Founded in 2001, we support volunteer programs, educational lectures and tours in the Park, and participate in public/private partnerships with the City of Eugene’s Parks & Open Space department.
FoHP currently has approximately 300 members who support the Friends and volunteer in the Park.
Board of Directors
- Christine Goldberg (President)
- Sandra Austin, Svevo Brooks, Bob Bumstead, Val Close, Beth Copeland, Art Farley, Erik Fisher, Rachel Foster, Walt Petty, Lou Vijaker, Ben Widdison.
- Support additional paid staff to work in the gardens and the forest, including prior support for volunteer coordination
- Swings: Installation of new swings to replace the historic set of swings near the parking area
- Rhododendron Garden: Revitalization of the garden, including installstion of new stone steps
- Endowments: Creation of four separate Endowments: General, Forest, Native Plant Garden and Rhododendron Garden now available for donations
- Azalea Lace Bug: Eradication efforts continue with our support
- Native Plant Garden: Installation of new plantings and species labeling
- Forest: The Friends has coordinated a volunteer effort to remove ivy and secondary invaders for nearly 20 years
- Education: Provide funding for scholarships to Nearby Nature and Whole Earth Nature School programs in the park
- Tours: Conduct Spring and Fall walking Tours focusing on birding, mushrooms, rhododendrons, and Kalapuya traditions.